Friday, March 10, 2017

  Why Just Natural Skin Care?

       What little girl doesn’t love a huge bottle of bubble bath, especially with princesses pictured on the front?  Heck, what big girl doesn’t love a huge bottle of bubble bath, especially with the promise of 15 minutes all to myself?  Unfortunately, my bubble bath days ended about three years ago, when I pulled my screaming daughter out of the tub only to find her skin raw and bleeding.  This event began a night full of research focused on the chemicals in my bath products.  I began by reading the ingredient lists on the back of the products that were presently in the shower. 
       What stood out to me?  Every single one of the products in my shower (face wash, body wash, shampoo and bubble bath) had sodium lauryl sulfate at the top of its list.  I won’t make far fetch claims that SLS causes cancer, because I can hear my husband sigh and say, “Everything causes cancer, Dana.”  So let’s not be dramatic here, but look at the facts.  You’re not going to die from using Suave, but your skin, especially your hands, may be dry, cracked, red and irritated.  Let’s think about it.  Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a known skin irritant, and our hands suffer the most.  Why?  We use our hand to wash our face with this detergent.  Though we use a different product for our hair, we scrub the same primary ingredient into our scalp, while continuing to irritate our hands, and we haven’t even begun to wash our body.  Research is being done on the products in our skin care, but since the FDA does not regulate cosmetics, that research will not necessarily change the ingredient list on our favorite shampoo.  The FDA monitors many products on the market, but not the cosmetic industry.  
       Considering this information, how do we make knowledgeable choices for our families without taking on the weight and guilt of perfectionism.  I hesitate writing an article like this, because I fear adding to the pressure and guilt that so many mom’s bear each day.  So I encourage you, use this information for what it is…information.  With that being said, I am glad that our family has shifted to using more all-natural skin care products, because our skin is no longer screaming and neither are the children.  We began by switching to natural soap and organic shampoo.  Eventually, we completely switched to natural soap for all our cleansing needs (face, hair, and body).  In regards to lotions, that was the last thing to change.  Bath and Body Works’ lotions smell amazing, but my skin never felt refreshed or replenished.  Hence began the exploration of oils and the creation Sass E. Sisters’ amazing body butter.    

As you can see from the above photo, we are ready to supply your all-natural skin care needs.  If you are interested in moving towards more all-natural skin care products, check out our web store at